
Eurasian Magpie, カササギ

In Japan they live only in Kyushu island. They are common in east coast of Eurasian continent, I saw many of them in Korea and Vladivostok.

Old Japanese town houses in Dalian, 大連の旧日本人街の家屋

CM : 業界最大級の一括見積りサービス【ホームページ制作.jp】

Dalian airport, 大連空港

Landing at Dalian airport, 大連空港への着陸

Suwon in Korea from airplane, 飛行機は韓国水原上空へ

Korean peninsula from airplane, 飛行機は韓国上空へ

Kyudai bridge, 北大橋

The bridge was named after Kitakyushu-shi in Japan and Dalian because they are sister cities.

Seikai park in Dalian, 大連の星海広場

Seikai  is high-end residential area of Dalian. There are so many beautiful tall apartment houses.

The big bridge is under construction.

CM : 15種類の九州産野菜がまるごと凝縮!長寿の里 「うまかぁ~ 里の野菜」

Suishiei, 水師営会見所

Port of Luxun from 203kouchi, 203高地より旅順港を望む
